Web Design In a Nutshell
Jennifer Niederst
O'Reilly & Associates, 1999
1. udgave, 1999, 562 sider
ISBN 1565925157
Web design can be very simple these days thanks to the massive selection of
programs available to take the difficulty out of producing slick Web sites. But
for the perfectionists and those who want more than a passing degree of control
over their creations, the only real way to produce Web content is the old
fashioned way--with a copy of a decent text editor and a head full of HTML
This superb book gives a no-nonsense overview of HTML programming starting from
the ground up and encapsulating some of the more advanced topics some lesser
books choose not to approach. Everything is so well presented it makes for easy
reading even when not sitting at your computer. It's nice to see such good
support for multiple browsers too--the book gives information about which
commands will work with which browser so it's easy to produce more universally
accessible sites.
Although this is not aimed squarely at the beginner it's so well written it
should be on any prespective coder's bookshelf from an early stage.